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- <text id=94TT0247>
- <title>
- Feb. 28, 1994: How Do We Fight Xenophobia?
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1994
- Feb. 28, 1994 Ministry of Rage:Louis Farrakhan
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- TIME FORUM, Page 30
- How Do We Fight Xenophobia?
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p>By Cornel West
- </p>
- <p> Professor of Religion at Princeton University and author of
- Race Matters
- </p>
- <p> The fundamental issue regarding the unadulterated bigotry of
- Khallid Abdul Muhammad, the anti-Semitic claims of Minister
- Louis Farrakhan and the vicious demonization of both black Islamic
- fellow citizens by the mainstream media is--how do we talk
- about and fight all forms of xenophobia in American life? So
- far, we have failed miserably. Instead we have become even more
- polarized, owing to our distrust of one another and our flagrant
- disregard for the transformative possibilities of high-quality
- public conversation.
- </p>
- <p> Let us go back to the beginning of this sad episode, namely,
- Minister Louis Farrakhan's remarks about Hitler, Judaism and
- the link of Jewish power to black social misery. Most Americans
- believe Minister Farrakhan praised Adolf Hitler and, by implication,
- condoned the evils done to the Jewish people. Yet this is simply
- wrong. As Minister Farrakhan has noted on many occasions, his
- statement that Hitler was "wickedly great"--like Alexander,
- Caesar, Napoleon and Stalin--meant that Hitler was famous
- for his pernicious ability to conquer, destroy and dominate
- others. Furthermore, Hitler hated black people with great passion.
- And given Minister Farrakhan's devotion to the cause of black
- freedom, he would not claim that Hitler was morally great. Nevertheless,
- the mainstream press portrayed Minister Farrakhan as a Nazi--that is, a devil in our midst. Surely, if we believe Minister
- Farrakhan was morally wrong to have once held that whites were
- devils, it is wrong of us to believe he is a devil.
- </p>
- <p> His obsession with connecting black social misery to Jewish
- power, including his ugly characterization of Judaism as a "gutter
- religion" used to legitimate the state of Israel at the expense
- of Palestinians, is vintage anti-Semitic ideology. Judaism--like any religion--can be used for good or bad. His claim
- that Jews owned 75% of enslaved Africans in this country at
- a time when there were about 4 million black slaves and 5,000
- Jewish slaveholders reveals this obsession. In fact, in 1861,
- Jews constituted roughly 0.2% of Southerners (20,000 out of
- 9 million) and 0.3% of slaveholders (5,000 out of 1,937,625).
- </p>
- <p> Minister Farrakhan may be rightly upset that antislavery activism
- was not predominant among the 150,000 Jews then in America,
- or that there is no record of any Southern rabbi who publicly
- criticized slavery--but there were militant Jewish abolitionists
- (including Northern rabbis) such as Isidor Busch, Michael Helprin,
- Rabbi David Einhorn and August Bondi (who fought with John Brown).
- The expulsion of Jews from Tennessee by Ulysses S. Grant's Order
- No. 11 in 1862 and new waves of poor East European Jews would
- yield a more antiracist activism among American Jewry. But even
- though Minister Farrakhan's anti-Semitic claims are false and
- hurtful, this does not mean that he is a Nazi or that he has
- a monopoly on anti-Semitism in America.
- </p>
- <p> If we are to engage in a serious dialogue about blacks and Jews,
- and how best to fight xenophobia, we must not cast all anti-Semitic
- statements as pro-Nazi ones, vilify black anti-Semites and soft-pedal
- white anti-Semites (or Jewish antiblack or anti-Arab racists)
- or overlook the role of some Jewish conservatives as defenders
- of policies that contribute to black social misery. We cannot
- proceed if we assume the worst of each other--that the majority
- of black people are unreconstructed anti-Semites or that the
- majority of Jews are plotting conspiracies to destroy black
- people. I have great faith and confidence in the moral wisdom
- of most blacks and Jews in regard to vulgar racist bigotry--yet our communities are shot through with more subtle forms.
- This is why it is incumbent upon blacks and Jews to fight all
- forms of xenophobia even as we try to alleviate the poverty
- and paranoia that feed so much despair and distrust in our time.
- </p>
- <p> As for my brothers, Khallid Abdul Muhammad and Minister Louis
- Farrakhan, I beseech you in the precious name of the black freedom
- struggle and in the compassionate spirit of Islam to channel
- your efforts of black self-help in ways that do not mirror the
- worst of what American civilization has done to black people.
- </p>
- <p> We rightly will not permit a double-standard treatment that
- casts you less than human, but we also must not allow your--or anyone else's--utterance to tar the black freedom struggle
- with the brush of immorality. For the sake of Fannie Lou Hamer,
- Abraham Joshua Heschel and El-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz--and those
- many thousands gone--we can do no other.
- </p>
- </body>
- </article>
- </text>